I couldn't get decent close-ups though. The zoom range of LX3 is not very good and I couldn't get too close to the model else I'll block other DSLRs' shots with my puny toy(makes me think of getting one myself)/ But overall, I'm quite satisfied. :)
Quick note on my hobby:
I've really enjoyed taking pictures of everything under the sun. This goes as far back as film days. I just couldn't stop myself from clicking and clicking when I have any sort of camera on my hand. I can quickly use up a 36-frame roll back then and would clap my hands with joy everytime there are extra 3 to 4 frames for free. I truly love taking shots whenever, wherever. I'm not big on journals, but for me, photos are perfect records of one's life. That's also the reason why I got inspired to revive my blog, I got a new semi-fancy camera that I can easily carry around thus recording my experiences better. I'm really thankful to my Sis for getting me this toy. :D