Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Work Permit!!!

My work permit is on its way!!! My goodness, this is it! So looks like my departure for next weekend will push through after all. I'm really really overwhelmed and nervous! @_@

I was actually expecting that I would get a bit delayed because of the glitch in the processing. But I need to rewire my brain and start moving again!

Wahhh I'm panicking!!! What to do, what to do...

- Get clearance from office
- Get clearance from Bureau of Immigration
- Book flight once I get my work permit
- Go to Malaysian Embassy
- Go to POEA
- Look for apartment
- Arrange despedida for my family

Less than 2 weeks to go!!! I'm feeling homesick already just thinking about it. Lord help me, there's still so much to iron out...