..take advantage of it. This is one of those days, I took a sick leave since I was not feeling well... NOT!!! Hahaha. This was kinda planned, but I did not tell my "plan" to my teammates, because I read in a magazine that you can better achieve a goal if you don't tell a soul. I can't remember the whole complex explanation, but I think it goes something like if you tell someone, it already feels like you've already done something, when in fact you have not. And if you don't tell anyone and you do achieve your goal, the magnitude of the gratifications are n times better. Haha, I hope I understood correctly. So from now on, I'll restrain myself from being such a blabber with my goals in life. Today, my objective is simply to take a breather. I haven't taken any leaves for weeks now and working 5 days a week, though a norm, is still quite taxing. And I'm glad I did it, my mood today is contemplative and laid back. If I get into the groove, I'll try to sort whatever it is I feel like sorting today.
On another note, I got a postcard from Soli!!! And it adds to my already good mood:

Thanks Soli, you're so sweet :)